American actor Robin Lord Taylor is most known for his parts in television shows like "Gotham," in which he portrayed The Penguin, also known as Oswald Cobblepot. The journey and ambition one might experience when relocating to a large city like New York are reflected in his quote.
People frequently bring aspirations of becoming great individuals and having a big influence with them when they relocate to big cities like New York. Many people have an innate desire to avoid being ignored or unimportant, which is the source of this desire. They have a strong desire to shine brightly and view the city as a huge stage where anything is possible.
Anyone who has ever had the desire to defy expectations and forge their own course in life can relate to Taylor's sentiment. It's similar to sowing a small seed in arid soil; you tend to it daily and watch it flourish in spite of the obstacles. New York's dynamic energy and limitless possibilities can make this growth seem even more significant.
The quote emphasizes the thrill and personal challenge of aiming to surpass one's own initial expectations or even what others might predict. It's about pushing limits and accomplishing goals that make you proud and leave a lasting impression on your life's narrative.