American author Hunter S. Thompson is renowned for both his contributions to journalism and his distinctive writing style. He is renowned for having invented "gonzo journalism," a style of reporting in which he would become completely engrossed in the events he covered, frequently making it difficult to distinguish fact from fiction.
Thompson's quotation, which typically alludes to God as a protective figure, captures the idea that someone needs the assistance or protection of a higher power. According to the statement, this divine figure will eventually have to deal with your consequences if it doesn't look after you. It is an open display of vulnerability and dependence.
Consider a person gazing down into an abyss from the edge of a cliff. Even though they know they have to move forward, they are unsure about it. This individual looks to a future figure for direction and assistance. The person is left to deal with their difficulties on their own if that person does not provide support or protection. Thompson's words capture feelings of dependency and the possible repercussions of neglect, as the metaphor demonstrates.
Thompson employed such potent imagery to express nuanced feelings and social criticisms throughout his career. His writing frequently explored contentious topics like politics, drug culture, and social issues, providing a distinct viewpoint that went against the grain. His writing was audacious and unrepentant, reflecting the quote's own personal philosophy.