Quotes Meaning

"When I believed in astrology and numerology, people made fun of me, but today there are so many channels just dedicated to astrology and numerology. I now regret that I didn’t start a channel on this. But then, I am happy in life. I don’t dwell upon it."

- Govinda

For many years, Govinda, an Indian comedian and actor, has been involved in the motion picture business. Through social media sites like Instagram, he frequently shares his opinions and observations about society as well as his personal convictions. One of his well-known quotations talks about his experiences with numerology and astrology and how perceptions of these topics have evolved over time.

According to Govinda, there has been a change in the way society views subjects that were previously viewed as unusual or even derided by the majority. When he publicly expressed his interest in numerology and astrology in the past, many people dismissed it as superstition or foolishness. However, the fact that so many television networks and internet sites now focus on these topics shows that people are becoming more interested in and accepting of them.

When Govinda considers this shift, he regrets not launching his own channel about numerology and astrology sooner to take advantage of the trend. However, he is happy with the way his life has turned out and avoids dwelling too much on lost chances or shifting social perceptions over time. It's similar to observing a river that has shifted its course; although it's fascinating to observe its past course, one cannot alter the current water flow.

This passage demonstrates Govinda's practical attitude toward individual convictions and social changes. He remains optimistic about his life decisions and experiences, even in the face of shifting public perceptions on subjects like numerology and astrology. His advice encourages people to adjust to the changes in their environment without obsessing over what could have been or could have been.
