This observation about the nature of groups and social dynamics was made by American filmmaker Robert Altman, who is renowned for his unique and frequently intricate narrative style. Altman, who was born in 1925 in Kansas City, Missouri, directed more than 40 movies during his career, including beloved movies like "MASH" and "The Player."
Altman's remark highlights how society frequently labels small, close-knit groups with distinctive practices or beliefs as cults just because they don't fit in with the norm. The premise is that a group can quickly be stigmatized and labeled if it isn't big enough to be regarded as a majority.
Imagine this idea as a small island in a huge ocean. Although this little area may have its own distinctive traditions and lifestyles, people on the mainland are more likely to view it as strange or extreme due to its remote location and lack of awareness.
By stating that these groups are "not enough people to make a minority," Altman implies that tiny communities with unique beliefs are frequently not understood or accepted by society until they expand and integrate into a larger community. Misunderstandings, anxiety, and occasionally prejudice against these groups may result from this.
The quotation from Altman challenges us to consider carefully how we categorize and relate to smaller social or religious groups. It challenges us to see past outward appearances and pursue deeper comprehension as opposed to making snap decisions based solely on a group's size.