One of the founders of the well-known British pop group Bananarama, which gained popularity in the 1980s, is Keren Woodward. The band has gone through many highs and lows over the years, but they have stayed a steady force in the music business.
Keren conveys in her quote that even though Bananarama had performed well on many occasions, they still needed to go on a full-scale world tour with their live band in order to reach a significant milestone. This declaration demonstrates the band's commitment and desire to keep developing and achieving new professional milestones.
Consider what it would be like for a ship to sail into unknown waters. Similar to how that ship has visited many ports, each with its own special difficulties and benefits, Bananarama has played in many locations throughout the world, sometimes using pre-recorded music. But according to Keren's quote, there is still one more great journey to go—a world tour in which the band would play live with their entire lineup.
This journey serves as a metaphor for the artist's ongoing development and quest for performance perfection. A world tour is more than just another set of performances for Bananarama; it's the result of years of effort and commitment. It's about sharing musical moments that are genuinely unforgettable, experiencing new cultures, and showcasing their talent to fans worldwide.
Keren's quotation essentially considers Bananarama's past and suggests what is yet to come. They continue to explore new musical horizons, eagerly anticipating the next adventure, much like a ship sailing into uncharted waters.