Quotes Meaning

"We know we’ve got a problem attracting to certain areas because of the cost of living, so we’re thinking about things from how do we ensure key workers have accessible and affordable housing; also, how do we attract people into teaching as well."

- Jacinda Ardern

Former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern frequently offered clear-cut, workable answers to problems impacting her nation's society. She concentrated on addressing the issue of professionals being drawn to particular areas by the high cost of living.

Think of a city as a big garden, with different kinds of flowers standing in for different occupations like engineers, teachers, and healthcare professionals. Similar to how every profession needs an environment that supports its members, each flower needs particular conditions in order to grow healthily. However, some flowers struggle to survive when the soil (or in this case, the cost of living) gets too dry or hard.

Ardern acknowledged this problem and offered fixes to make things better. Similar to giving each flower the proper amount of water and sunlight, she stressed the importance of ensuring essential workers could find affordable housing within their reach. She also talked about how to address issues with work-life balance and job satisfaction to make teaching an appealing career choice.

By emphasizing doable actions like these, Ardern sought to establish a more sustainable workplace for professionals, which would eventually benefit the entire community in the same way that a well-kept garden adds beauty and vitality to its surroundings.
