In his writings, renowned author Peter Abrahams examined issues of race, identity, and human experience. Asking the right questions at the right time in life is one of his noteworthy observations.
Think of your life as a huge garden with innumerable plants and flowers just waiting to be found. You can think of every query you pose as a seed that is sown in this garden. These seeds have the capacity to blossom into lovely, enlightening solutions that help you navigate the challenges of life when you are young. But those seeds stay dormant or forgotten if you don't plant them early on by asking the right questions.
Some of these unsolved questions begin to grow like weeds in your garden as you get older. They can overshadow other facets of your life and grow out of control. It gets more difficult to get rid of these questions the longer that goes by without answering them. After a while, their presence begins to remind you of what might have been, like shadows on a cloudy day.
According to Abrahams, there comes a time in life when some questions cannot be meaningfully asked or answered. As time passes and circumstances change, the answers that were once sought after become unavailable or irrelevant. Because of this, it's critical to investigate life's big questions at a young age, when you have the opportunity to discover significant answers that will influence how you perceive the world and yourself.
This idea invites readers to take stock of their own lives and think about any unanswered questions they should get rid of right away. It acts as a reminder of how crucial curiosity, introspection, and prompt investigation are to one's own development.