American stand-up comedian John Mulaney is renowned for his incisive wit and observational humor. He frequently discusses how comedy strikes a balance between being amusing and conveying a deep message.
Think of comedy like a dish. The joke itself serves as the foundation and must be tasty and entertaining in and of itself. Mulaney makes the argument in this analogy that jokes should amuse their audience before attempting to express a deeper meaning. Comedy shouldn't feel forced when attempting to make a point, any more than you would add spinach to your pizza if it won't taste good.
Mulaney believes in the power of laughter and believes that any joke or piece of humor must first amuse people in order to connect with them emotionally. If the joke contains a lesson or message, it should make it more appealing rather than less so. Basically, before the humor can be used as a vehicle for commentary or insight, it must be able to stand alone as something enjoyable.
Mulaney's belief that comedy flourishes when it puts humor first is reflected in this strategy. He contends that audiences will be more receptive to any underlying message in the joke if they are laughing first.