The creator of Filecoin, Juan Benet, created a digital ecosystem with the goal of completely changing the way we store data online. Imagine a huge library where books (data) are kept in innumerable digital vaults located all over the world rather than on actual shelves. Every vault is run by people or businesses who are prepared to charge for storage space.
Filecoin serves as the currency used to rent these virtual safes in this symbolic library. Users can pay with Filecoin to store their data on the network run by Filecoin miners, much like they would with coins to check out books from a traditional library. In this digital world, miners act as the librarians, making sure that all of the important data is stored securely and is readily available.
Filecoin's main purpose is to give these digital stewards a system of incentives. It promotes a strong and dependable storage service by giving miners tokens (Filecoin) when they successfully store data on their portion of the network. The system's continued stability, security, and responsiveness to user demands are guaranteed by this reward system.
With the help of this special digital currency, Juan Benet hopes to establish an interconnected network of digital vaults in which anybody can take part as a depositor or custodian. People pool their resources to build something greater than themselves, which in this case is a reliable and decentralized data storage system. It's similar to building a cooperative network.