Quotes Meaning

"The movies we love and admire are to some extent a function of who we are when we see them."

- Mary Schmich

American author and journalist Mary Schmich is most known for her well-known advice column "Advice, Please!" that appeared in the Chicago Tribune. She has also authored articles and essays that examine a range of topics related to culture and life.

One of Schmich's perceptive movie observations emphasizes how our individual experiences influence how we view films. Schmich asserts that our current selves have a significant impact on the meaning we derive from a film. This theory implies that depending on each viewer's particular life situation and emotional state, the same movie may have a different impact on them.

Imagine enjoying a favorite film while going through a difficult time in your life. You may experience intense emotions while watching it, possibly because some of the scenes reflect your current joys or struggles. However, your response might be entirely different if you see the same movie years later after going through major changes. You may notice new elements in the story that you had not previously noticed.

Schmich's viewpoint is similar to viewing something through a kaleidoscope. The arrangement of the parts inside determines how the pattern changes each time we turn it. In a similar vein, how each individual interprets movies is influenced by their internal organization, which includes their values, emotions, and past experiences. The idea that movies are living reflections of our own changing selves rather than static objects is further supported by this dynamic relationship between a viewer and a film.

By comprehending this idea, we can value movies' significant influence on personal development and self-discovery in addition to their artistic value.
