Throughout his career, renowned biologist Sydney Brenner made important contributions to genetics and molecular biology. His work using the nematode worm C. elegans as a model organism to investigate aging and development is what made him most famous. Brenner stressed the value of young people taking charge of their own education and development in one of his talks or interviews.
Brenner believes that instead of just following predetermined routes that have been set by others, it is imperative that today's youth learn how to generate ideas on their own. Instead of producing a generation that was satisfied with becoming followers or apprentices, he thought it was important to raise one that was capable of creativity and critical thought. Young people must develop their own special abilities and ideas rather than just replicating what has already been done, just as a seed must grow independently and not depend entirely on the plant from which it originated.
Instead of merely learning by rote or imitation, Brenner's guidance encourages young people to think independently and come up with unique solutions to problems. He wanted them to take an active role in determining their own destiny and realize that genuine development requires individual initiative and hard work rather than merely following established practices or mentors' advice.
Brenner's remarks essentially serve as a reminder of the value of young people's autonomy and inventiveness as they negotiate a world that is becoming more complicated by the day.