Renowned author Trudi Canavan is well-known for her fantasy books, such as the well-liked Black Magician series. She stresses the value of following logical rules even when writing about magical or fantastical elements in order to create complex and convincing worlds. This way of thinking is comparable to building a house: you have to adhere to the laws of physics, such as making sure that the walls are adequately braced against gravity, if you want your home to feel sturdy and stand tall. Similar to this, internal consistency is essential in fantasy literature so that readers can completely lose themselves in the story.
Although fantastical elements can push the limits of what we think is normal or possible, Canavan contends that they should still be subject to a logical set of rules within their own universe. For instance, if a writer uses flying carpets in a story, these magical objects must function within specific physics-related constraints and conditions. This guarantees that readers comprehend how these components function and fit into the story's larger framework.
Her counsel reminds authors to strike a balance between originality and organization. Fantasy writers must develop rules for their magical systems that feel natural within the parameters of the story, just as a magician needs tools and tricks that make sense when performing magic. By doing this, they make the world more interesting and plausible by giving readers a clear understanding of how it works.
In conclusion, Trudi Canavan's method of world-building inspires authors to create a set of physical rules that are specific to their work but still based on ideas that make sense in the real world. By skillfully incorporating magic into stories, this technique enables readers to suspend disbelief and appreciate each fantastical element as a crucial component of the story.