Renowned British journalist and broadcaster Jeremy Paxman frequently offers life lessons through his interesting commentary. One of his well-known quotes emphasizes how crucial tenacity and flexibility are to success. While it's possible that people who move fast can take advantage of opportunities, he contends that waiting for better results and exercising patience can also be beneficial.
Consider a situation in which two mice are attempting to enter a trap filled with cheese. Eager, the first mouse immediately pursues the bait. It falls into the trap, emphasizing the dangers of acting hastily without giving things careful thought. But the second mouse gains knowledge from this encounter. It finds a different, safe way to get to the cheese instead of going down the same route.
This proverb exhorts people to think about various approaches when working toward their objectives. Sometimes taking a step back, looking at what others have done, and making adjustments can result in more successful outcomes in the long run, even though being proactive and taking advantage of opportunities is still important. It's about striking a balance between strategic patience and fast action.
The observation made by Jeremy Paxman is in line with his professional experience in journalism, which has shown him that rushing to report on events without conducting adequate research can result in errors. His quotation serves as a reminder that timing, strategy, and taking note of other people's experiences are frequently all necessary for success.