Quotes Meaning

"The commentators of 1963 speak, in discussing Africa, of the Monrovia States, the Brazzaville Group, the Casablanca Powers, of these and many more. Let us put an end to these terms. What we require is a single African organisation through which Africa’s single voice may be heard, within which Africa’s problems may be studied and resolved."

- Haile Selassie

Significant political upheaval was occurring throughout the world in 1963, particularly in Africa. Numerous countries were attempting to achieve independence and sovereignty as they emerged from colonial rule. Haile Selassie, a well-known figure in Ethiopian history and international diplomacy, made a significant speech supporting African unity at this crucial juncture.

In 1892, Haile Selassie was born Tafari Makonnen Wossen, and in 1930, he was crowned Emperor of Ethiopia. During his rule, he significantly influenced the political climate of Africa, especially in the years following World War II when many African countries were making the transition from colonial to independent rule.

Selassie chastised commentators in his speech for their propensity to group newly independent African nations according to their ideologies or historical colonial affiliations. Some areas, for example, were referred to as "Monrovia States" for those that were more in line with Western powers and "Casablanca Powers" for those that were more socialist in their views. Because it frequently caused African nations to become more divided rather than more united, this classification system was problematic.

Selassie envisioned a united Africa that could address its problems as a group and speak with a single voice on the international scene. He thought that establishing a single organization for this purpose would improve Africa's standing in world politics and facilitate the more efficient resolution of shared problems.

It is challenging for a group of musicians to produce beautiful music when they are performing different songs at varying tempos and volumes. Their combined voice, however, can be strong and resonant if they unite with a common goal and perform as a single group. In a similar vein, Haile Selassie promoted the idea of African countries coming together under a common platform so they could pool their resources and efforts.

Haile Selassie's speech emphasized the value of African states working together and remaining united during a pivotal moment in history. His remarks are still relevant today because countries all over the world are dealing with issues that call for coordinated efforts and powerful, united voices.
