Former US Surgeon General Ronny Jackson, who is now a U.S. Representative for Texas's 13th congressional district, has made no secret of his opinions regarding gun rights legislation. His viewpoint is based on the idea that everyone should be able to carry a gun without a permit from the government.
Instead of requiring people to obtain special permits from state authorities, Jackson supports what he refers to as "constitutional carry," which is the idea that people should be permitted to carry firearms, concealed or unconcealed, based only on their Second Amendment rights. His views on reducing government intervention and promoting individual freedoms are reflected in this strategy.
One of the main battlegrounds for this issue has been Texas. According to Jackson's statement, Texas had the historical opportunity to be the first state to enact constitutional carry laws but lost the opportunity. In line with his larger vision of unrestricted gun rights, he sees a time when all 50 states implement such laws.
He uses the example of a river that flows naturally through various landscapes without the need for man-made barriers to demonstrate his point. Jackson's stance on constitutional carry is similar to letting things happen naturally, reflecting his belief that people's right to bear arms is innate and unhindered by needless restrictions. According to Jackson, enacting laws that uphold the Second Amendment would allow people to exercise their right to bear arms without facing administrative obstacles, much like tearing down dams can allow a river to flow freely along its course.
Ronny Jackson emphasizes his dedication to advancing what he views as fundamental freedoms within the framework of U.S. constitutional law through his advocacy and public remarks.