Quotes Meaning

" Prediction " 下共有 2 篇文章

"The blood of the just will be demanded of London, burnt by fire in the year ’66. The ancient Lady will fall from her high place, and many of the same sect will be killed."

- Nostradamus
French physician and astrologer Nostradamus rose to prominence during the Renaissance thanks to his book "The Prophecies," which is filled with hundreds of quatrains that foretell future events. Because it has been connected to a number of historical occurrences, such as the Great Fire of London in …

"I feel like for whatever reason if McGregor starts getting the best of him standing, Aldo will be able to take him down."

- Chad Mendes
Former mixed martial arts competitor Chad Mendes has offered enlightening commentary on a range of fighters in the sport. During a conversation concerning two well-known individuals, Conor McGregor and Jose Aldo, he made one noteworthy remark. Mendes noted that Aldo might have a chance to alter the …