Quotes Meaning

" Perfectionism " 下共有 2 篇文章

"I second guess everything I do musically, and I often could spend hours on, say, one snare sound."

- Chet Faker
Australian musician Chet Faker is well-known for his complex fusion of soulful vocals and electronic music. His reputation for paying close attention to detail in his work is a reflection of his commitment to producing music of the highest caliber. Faker frequently talks about how, as a music produc…

"I realized we’re all perfectly imperfect, which was a big thing. Perfectionism, to me, was an important thing."

- Stephanie Winston Wolkoff
A well-known public figure and fashion stylist, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff has held prominent roles in the entertainment industry and collaborated with well-known celebrities. Her observation that perfectionism can be both unrealistic and limiting is one of her most noteworthy insights. Wolkoff discu…