King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the longest-reigning monarch in Thai history, is credited with saying this. He is well known for his commitment to enhancing the quality of life for Thai people through a number of initiatives, and he ruled Thailand from 1946 until his death in 2016.
In order to gain a firsthand understanding of the needs of farmers and villagers, King Bhumibol frequently traveled widely throughout rural areas. He was renowned for his hands-on approach to governance. In order to accomplish shared objectives that benefit society and the country as a whole, his philosophy placed a strong emphasis on the value of cooperation and support between individuals and communities.
Consider a big tree that towers over a busy forest. Because of its intricate underground network of roots that are closely linked to those of neighboring trees, this tree is robust and resilient. By sharing nutrients and offering stability during storms, each tree helps the others. In a similar vein, King Bhumibol thought that people could overcome obstacles more successfully and build a safe and prosperous society for all if they cooperated, supporting one another's needs and strengths.
King Bhumibol worked to promote this spirit of cooperation and support among people through a number of initiatives centered on urban planning, education, healthcare, and agriculture. Many Thai people are still motivated by his legacy to uphold these ideals in their communities today.