Quantic Dream's founder, David Cage, has frequently discussed his goals for the business in interviews and speeches. He sees Quantic Dream growing into a well-known company with a wide range of products while maintaining its distinct identity as an independent studio.
Like a sapling in a huge forest of game developers, Quantic Dream began small. As it grew, Cage saw a chance to broaden its scope while maintaining its creative independence and basic principles. This vision is comparable to a tree that is rooted firmly in the ground but reaches for the sky with branches that are far and wide.
In his remarks, Cage expresses his wish for Quantic Dream to be more than just another game studio and instead serve as a hub for creativity and innovation free from the restraints of big business. Cage intends to diversify their offerings while preserving the flexibility and individuality that come with being independent by pursuing the goal of becoming a multifaceted business with several franchises.
Similar to how a tree may yield different fruits from its branches, this strategy enables Quantic Dream to experiment with different kinds of games and stories. Like a new fruit, each franchise offers something different while remaining true to the studio's core values.
In the end, Cage's goal is to strike a balance between growing internationally and maintaining the unique qualities that set Quantic Dream apart. It's about keeping your feet firmly planted while aiming for the stars.