A Carmelite monk from the seventeenth century, Brother Lawrence is renowned for his perceptive opinions on sincerity and simplicity in religious practice. He thought that in an attempt to feel closer to God's love, people frequently complicate their spirituality by creating complex rituals or rules. This can make people believe that it's hard to connect with the divine and that you need to use certain techniques.
Brother Lawrence, however, offered an alternative viewpoint: addressing our everyday tasks with sincere devotion to God might be simpler and more efficient than intricate spiritual rituals. Instead of looking for complex ways to connect spiritually, he urged believers to infuse simple tasks like cooking or doing laundry with a genuine love for God.
Imagine someone opening a window and allowing the wind to naturally flow in, as opposed to trying to catch it by creating a complex machine. According to Brother Lawrence, genuine devotion can be as straightforward and easy as this second strategy. One can encounter God's presence without the need for complex rituals or techniques by adopting sincerity and simplicity in day-to-day living.
In order to make spiritual connection a natural part of who we are rather than a difficult endeavor, Brother Lawrence stressed in his teachings that true love and devotion to God should permeate every part of our lives. This viewpoint provides a novel approach to how individuals can uphold a genuine and meaningful relationship with their faith while navigating daily life.