The well-known American comedian Tig Notaro has become well-known for her humorous approach to life's obstacles. She frequently talks openly about her experiences, which include everything from illness and personal loss to comedy success.
Notaro's optimistic view of her relationships and life journey is reflected in the quote you cited. Originally from Texas, she has worked with a wide range of people in a variety of industries and traveled widely. She gained a profound appreciation for the encouraging friendships that have played a significant role in forming her current self as a result of these experiences.
Notaro frequently connects with people and shares her distinct outlook on life through humor. Her words demonstrate how grateful she is to have friends who make her life happier. Like enjoying delectable food at a picnic with loved ones, she thinks it's important to celebrate the achievements of people around her.
Notaro values personal relationships and is very supportive of other comedians and professionals in her industry. A sense of camaraderie that is uncommon in many cutthroat industries is fostered by this mindset. Her excitement for her friends' abilities and accomplishments reflects her view of comedy as a common endeavor in which all can succeed.
In general, Tig Notaro's remarks highlight the value of camaraderie and support among one another, particularly in trying times. Like savoring each bite of a delicious meal with close friends, she exhorts people to value their relationships and celebrate one another's strengths.