Quotes Meaning

"It’s not a cis-man becoming a cis-woman. It’s a trans person just being who they want to be. This is how I’ve always felt, and this is who I’ve always been. But so much focus is put on the transition or the change because it’s so visible. But that’s not even what it is… That’s who that person’s been and who they are now."

- Teddy Geiger

Teddy Geiger is a songwriter and musician who has been transparent about their experiences as a transgender person. Geiger wants to help others understand what it really means to be transgender by bringing attention to the intricacies of gender identity through their music and personal tales.

Imagine attempting to reflect your actual self while standing in front of a full-length mirror and discovering that society is constantly pressuring you to wear clothing that is too small. This is similar to what many transgender people deal with on a daily basis. Geiger highlights that transitioning is about being able to be who one has always known oneself to be, not about switching gender identities.

In their quote, Geiger emphasizes how society frequently ignores the fundamental qualities of a person's identity and instead focuses on the outward manifestations of their journey, such as physical changes or medical procedures. It's like obsessing over the caterpillars' transformation into butterflies instead of realizing that they were always meant to be butterflies.

Geiger urges people to see past appearances and comprehend the complex identity of transgender people. Geiger wants to lessen the stigma associated with gender transition and increase empathy and awareness for transgender people by sharing their personal story.
