Quotes Meaning

"It is perfectly true that that government is best which governs least. It is equally true that that government is best which provides most."

- Walter Lippmann

From 1889 until 1974, Walter Lippmann was a well-known American journalist and political analyst. He wrote a great deal about society, politics, and how the media shapes public opinion. One of his main concepts was striking a balance between the minimal amount of government involvement and its intervention.

Consider a seesaw in a playground, where one side stands for a government that has a significant influence on people's lives and the other side for a government that has a very small influence. According to Lippmann, there must be a middle ground where the seesaw maintains its equilibrium while still operating efficiently. On the one hand, excessive government control can inhibit personal liberties and innovation. However, if there is absolutely no oversight, people are left defenseless and unable to deal with common issues like infrastructure or healthcare.

An ideal government, according to Lippmann, strikes a balance between these two extremes. It should be strong enough to offer necessary services and protections, but small enough to avoid needlessly interfering in people's lives. This well-rounded strategy recognizes the value of individual liberty while simultaneously emphasizing the necessity of group efforts to address universally felt problems.

Lippmann frequently examined in his writings how society can preserve a sound balance, analogous to a seesaw. According to him, achieving this fine balance is essential to a functioning democracy that upholds both the rights of the individual and the welfare of the community.
