Martin Landau is a renowned actor and artist who played a part in the science fiction series "Space: 1999" and other works of film and television. Between 1975 and 1977, Landau portrayed Commander John Koenig in this television series. With its intricate storytelling and advanced special effects, the program was revolutionary for its time and examined themes of human nature and space travel.
Landau's admiration for "Space: 1999" and its influence on the science fiction genre is evident in his statement. He admits that, like a pioneer clearing a path for others to follow, the popularity of "Space: 1999" encouraged other producers to push limits and experiment with their own shows. This is comparable to sowing seeds that sprout into verdant forests that support a variety of plants.
The actor says that by making the series available on DVD, it will reach younger viewers who might not have seen it when it was first broadcast. Similar to rediscovering an ancient family heirloom with particular meaning, Landau sees "Space: 1999" as a chance for a new generation of fans to learn about and enjoy his work by making it available on DVD.
Martin Landau expresses in this quotation not only his love for the show but also his conviction that it will continue to be relevant and have the capacity to motivate generations to come.