Quotes Meaning

"I’m probably not 100 pounds anymore, but around there. I definitely got obsessed with my weight. When I met my husband and realized that he could put on 50 pounds and I’d still love him, I realized that’s how he sees me or at least how he should!"

- Danica Patrick

American racing driver Danica Patrick is well-known for being candid about her own issues with body image. She revealed a deep understanding of the nature of self-acceptance and true love in one of her interviews. She talked about how, like many people in the public eye, she used to get obsessed with her appearance and weight.

But Danica had a revelation when she met her husband. She understood that she would still feel the same way about him even if he gained fifty pounds. She came to realize that true love is about seeing someone for who they are on the inside rather than how they look.

Danica makes use of this experience as a metaphor for accepting and loving oneself. Similar to how she discovered how to look past her husband's outward appearance, she urges others to do the same with themselves. It's like seeing yourself from another person's perspective, one that emphasizes your character, spirit, and soul rather than what society considers significant.

Danica is essentially saying that our sense of value shouldn't be based on our appearance or the number that shows up on a scale. Realizing a person's intrinsic worth beyond their outward appearance is the foundation of true love, and consequently, true self-love.
