In an interview, Welsh actor Luke Evans, who has starred in movies like "Beauty and the Beast" and "Fast & Furious," said as much. His frank assessment of the difficulties actors encounter in contrast to their fictional counterparts is reflected in his comment.
Imagine being an actor who frequently gets paired with glitzy characters or attractive heroes from well-known novels and films. It seems as though you're constantly standing next to a flawless statue in a museum, with people gazing at it in wonder and appreciation. Luke Evans is focusing on his own special traits and admitting that he isn't destined to be that ideal statue.
In contrast to trying to live up to an impossible standard set by fictional characters or idealized images in the media, Evans' statement emphasizes the importance of people accepting their strengths and shortcomings. Evans urges people to accept who they are rather than attempting to be someone else, much like a gardener doesn't expect a daisy to grow into a sunflower.
Luke Evans challenges us to recognize the individuality and diversity of real people in contrast to the frequently idealized representations in literature and film by sharing his honest thoughts. His advice is to embrace our uniqueness instead of holding ourselves to unattainable ideals.