Indian fashion designer Masaba Gupta is renowned for her distinctive aesthetic, which combines modern Western fashion with traditional Indian elements. She has branched out into other media and storytelling genres in recent years, moving beyond the realm of haute couture. She is excited about working with Netflix, as evidenced by one famous quote that has been ascribed to her.
Gupta's enthusiasm is a result of his profound admiration for Netflix as a platform and an artistic organization. She respects the company's ability to tell stories that enthrall viewers everywhere and strike a deep chord with people from a variety of backgrounds and cultures. She sees a chance to share her vision in a fresh way and reach a larger audience by collaborating with Netflix.
Consider this partnership as the first time a bridge builder who has always worked on local projects decides to build over water. The rewards are greater, but so is the challenge. Gupta hopes to use Netflix's platform to link her fashion designs with more extensive storytelling, much like a bridge unites two previously disparate locations.
In addition to expressing her appreciation for the streaming behemoth's storytelling prowess, the quote also captures her development as an artist seeking to experiment with various platforms and media to express her work. This collaboration represents a pivotal moment in her career, connecting her long-standing career in fashion design with a fresh platform for creative expression via Netflix narratives.
Masaba Gupta hopes that this partnership will allow her to contribute the same creative energy and cultural diversity that she incorporates into her clothing designs to the visual narratives that Netflix is known for producing.