Renowned author Wilbur Smith is well-known for his captivating historical fiction books, which frequently feature the rich tapestry of Africa as a backdrop. Over the course of his multi-decade career, he has developed a number of characters that have enthralled readers all over the world.
Smith has made it a point to include strong female characters in his books in recent years as part of a larger movement in literature towards greater representation and empowerment. With their bravery, wit, and tenacity, these women propel the story along and are not merely supporting characters. This change is a reflection of authors' increasing recognition of the value of presenting women in a variety of strong roles.
Smith's remark also discusses his appreciation of beauty in all its manifestations, implying that he views attractiveness and strength as complementary qualities rather than antagonistic ones. He writes that, like appreciating a well-written book where each element adds to the overall effect of the narrative, he enjoys watching women who are both graceful and powerful.
Smith's viewpoint reflects a larger movement in contemporary literature toward inclusivity and the recognition of various manifestations of beauty and strength. Stories benefit from a wide range of characters that represent various aspects of the human experience, much like a garden is more colorful when a variety of flowers bloom together.