Author Caleb Carr is renowned for his distinct style and dedication to crafting compelling narratives. His work is greatly influenced by his background, which encompasses not only literature but also history and philosophy. Carr's description of himself as "fairly ascetic" describes his disciplined way of living, in which he avoids distractions in order to devote himself fully to his work.
Because it's quieter and less distracting outside, Carr prefers to write at night. Instead of getting distracted by everyday life, this practice enables him to delve deeply into the realms of his imagination. It's similar to a painter who sequesters themselves in a tiny, peaceful space with only their canvas, paints, and paints in order to fully realize their vision without any outside distractions.
Carr hopes that by setting aside this time for writing, he will be able to create a space free from the distractions of daily life and social interactions. Because of this solitude, he is able to devote all of his attention to the story he is writing, giving it rich characters and striking details.
Carr's method places a strong emphasis on the value of mental room for creativity. According to Carr, writers require a calm and concentrated setting in order to flourish creatively, much like fish require water to swim and breathe. This viewpoint emphasizes how one's capacity to produce meaningful work can be greatly impacted by outside circumstances.