American actress Karen Black, who starred in movies like "Five Easy Pieces," frequently discussed the difficulties people encounter when they lack education and communication skills. She emphasized how many people suffer from poor reading and writing skills, which limits their capacity to relate to others on a variety of levels.
Consider a scenario in which people are positioned at varying elevations on a mountain range and are unable to communicate with one another due to the peaks and valleys separating them. This metaphor perfectly captures what Black saw: people are cut off from meaningful interaction and understanding by an imperceptible barrier when they lack basic literacy skills. People who are illiterate find it challenging to perform daily tasks like reading signs, obeying directions, or taking part in conversations about significant topics.
Black's observations reveal a larger social worry about the effects of illiteracy. People are less likely to obtain information that can help them make better decisions or improve their lives when they are unable to communicate effectively in writing. This breakdown in communication can exacerbate the divide between people and communities by causing feelings of alienation and loneliness.
Black challenges us to consider how we can help people who have trouble reading and writing by highlighting the value of literacy and effective communication skills. She promotes increased access to education and tools that enable individuals to get past obstacles brought about by illiteracy and forge closer ties within their communities.