Quotes Meaning

"If you’re a plumber, you plumb. I’m an actor. I act."

- Adam West

American actor Adam West is well-known for playing the iconic Batman in the television series from the 1960s. He frequently discussed the value of pursuing one's passions and areas of expertise. Like the adage "if you're a plumber, you plumb," Adam would add that he acts because it's what he does for a living.

West felt that one should fully commit to their chosen field, much like a baker kneads dough or a gardener tends to plants. According to him, acting is an art form in which one must completely commit to the parts they play, much like an actor who jumps right into character development.

Throughout his multi-decade career, Adam West was known for his unique interpretation of Batman, which many viewers came to associate with the character. His quotation captures a straightforward yet profound idea: being true to oneself entails pursuing one's passion and giving it your all. Beyond acting, this advice is applicable to any career where passion and commitment can make all the difference.

As he did throughout his remarkable career, West's message exhorts people to embrace their roles in life with zeal and genuineness.
