Renowned author and journalist Michael Korda made this observation after watching the documentary series "Moguls & Movie Stars." The quote perfectly expresses how insiders in a given field react to information about their industry in a different way than non-insiders.
When comparing an insider and an outsider perspective, Korda's statement is especially pertinent. If your family has a long history in the entertainment industry, watching this documentary series may make you feel as though you are looking through old photos of your friends and family. You'll probably laugh and feel nostalgic as you see people you know and hear tales that speak to your own experiences.
However, because they lack the context and personal connection that insiders have, these same pictures and stories may seem dry or even boring to someone who isn't involved in the industry. The show might highlight historical personalities and occasions that are important to the industry but may not be as interesting or pertinent to people outside of its sphere of influence.
Consider going to a reunion for your family's long-standing company to further demonstrate this point. The conversations about past cases and coworkers would elicit excitement and lively reminiscences for family members who have grown up surrounded by it. However, these discussions may be difficult to follow and appreciate for someone who is just visiting as an outsider or who has recently married into the family.
In conclusion, Korda's statement highlights how our interactions with industry-focused documentaries such as "Moguls & Movie Stars" are influenced by our intensely personal experiences. It draws attention to the disparity in viewpoints between people who work in a field and those who watch from a distance.