Quotes Meaning

"If you don’t have money or you come from a background that doesn’t have money, it’s harder to achieve your ambition in life. It’s not that you can’t, but it becomes harder. Inequality is one of the worst things that can exist in our society, so I am interested in those kind of things."

- Andrew Haigh

Thoughtful and perceptive, Andrew Haigh has offered insights into the difficulties that people from less fortunate backgrounds encounter while pursuing their goals. He emphasizes that, in the same way that a strong bridge enables travelers to cross over to new opportunities, financial stability is essential to reaching goals.

Haigh's understanding of societal injustices forms the basis of his viewpoint. Although anyone can succeed no matter where they start, he points out that when there is insufficient funding or resources, the road is frequently paved with more challenges. This deficiency is like a river without a bridge; you can still swim across it, but it's much more difficult and dangerous.

Haigh is drawn to these topics because he understands how inequality impacts society as a whole in addition to impeding individuals. In order to give everyone an equal chance at success, he thinks it is important to look into ways to level the playing field. His opinions push us to consider how we can help people who are attempting to accomplish their goals despite having fewer advantages at the beginning.

By bringing these differences to light, Haigh promotes discussion and action aimed at establishing more equal opportunities for everyone, irrespective of their birth circumstances or financial status.
