Indian actress and activist Freida Pinta, who has acted in Hollywood productions such as "Slumdog Millionaire," frequently posts thought-provoking comments on social media. One of her well-known quotations discusses the notion that depending too heavily on outside sources to increase confidence may be a sign of a more serious problem.
Consider a person who purchases pricey creams in the hopes of feeling more assured about their looks. According to Freida, if these products are viewed as the main source of confidence, there might be underlying fears or uncertainties that require attention. It's similar to relying on a crutch when strengthening your legs is what you actually need.
This quotation challenges people to examine themselves and consider why they might feel the need for outside assistance to increase their self-esteem. Freida encourages cultivating self-esteem from within via introspection and personal development rather than depending only on goods or short-term solutions.