Renowned British conductor Simon Rattle is well-known for his direct and frequently contentious remarks regarding music. His career has spanned multiple decades. It may come as a surprise considering his professional background, but he has made it clear that in some situations, he prefers movies to classical music.
Rattle's remark is not a criticism of either art form, but rather a reflection of personal preference. Rattle, like many others, finds movies' storytelling elements more captivating and approachable than intricate classical compositions like Mahler's. This only emphasizes his personal preferences, not that he doesn't enjoy or comprehend symphonies.
Think of music as a huge ocean with many islands that each represent a different genre or style. Rattle acknowledges the appeal of other islands, such as popular music and movie scores, even though he has a strong bond with the island of classical music. His assertion is equivalent to stating that, even though you enjoy exploring a certain island because it is your home, you still enjoy traveling to other islands to take in their distinctive experiences.
Throughout his career, Rattle has conducted a variety of composers and led some of the most prominent orchestras in the world. He recognizes the value of other artistic mediums despite his proficiency and love of classical music. This candor about personal tastes highlights the variety of ways that people can enjoy various forms of art and humanizes him as an artist.
Rattle's remarks inspire listeners to delve into different facets of music without feeling bound by their cultural norms or professional roles. Rattle's statement encourages us to embrace the entire range of musical experiences that are accessible to us, much like how one might enjoy both exploring dense forests and lounging on a sunny beach.