The world-famous show "Riverdance" was created by Irish dancer and choreographer Michael Flatley. His quotation frequently discusses striking a balance between obligations to one's career and personal life. He has made the decision to put his love of dancing first in his work, even if it means giving up free time with friends.
Consider a chef who works in the kitchen all day, painstakingly creating delicious meals for patrons, but who is required to return there after work as the head chef. This is similar to what happened to Flatley. His professional responsibilities require him to keep innovating and performing, even though all he wants is to relax and enjoy life like everyone else.
One's career sacrifices are reflected in Flatley's quote. It draws attention to the internal struggle that many professionals experience when their personal preferences collide with their work obligations. In the same way that a chef may want to take a vacation from cooking but is forced to do so due to his job, Flatley must choose dancing over socializing and leisurely relaxation.
This statement also discusses the importance of commitment and dedication to one's professional path. It implies that striving for greatness necessitates making sacrifices, frequently in the form of lost chances to partake in more leisurely or enjoyable pursuits. Making decisions based on what is in line with long-term objectives and aspirations is more important in this situation than completely giving up personal time.
Flatley recognizes the value of balance and inspires others to find purpose and fulfillment in their work through both his words and his artwork. He serves as a reminder that sometimes overcoming obstacles and giving oneself entirely to a passion or cause—even at the expense of short-term pleasures—leads to the most fulfilling experiences.