Actress Cobie Smulders, who portrayed Robin Scherbatsky on the hit television series "How I Met Your Mother," once related a personal story that illustrates the negative consequences of extended fasting. She stayed in a desert retreat for a period of eight days without eating. She started having intense hallucinations during this time that were motivated by hunger.
This story demonstrates how harsh circumstances can change a person's reality and perception. Prolonged fasting reveals weaknesses in our physical and mental states, much like a drought reveals hidden fissures on the surface of dried earth. In addition to being a personal account, Smulders' story offers a more comprehensive analysis of the human body's tenacity and need for nourishment.
Smulders uses her experience to highlight how basic necessities like food can have a big impact on perception and cognitive processes. Without the required energy input, our mental machinery starts to malfunction in unpredictable ways, much like a car running out of fuel. This story challenges readers to reflect on their own relationship with food and how important it is to preserving mental stability and clarity.
Although Smulders is well-known for her roles on stage and television, this quote also highlights her willingness to be open about her personal life, providing a window into the struggles that even famous people encounter away from the spotlight.