"Stargate Atlantis" is a science fiction television series that made American actor Joe Flanigan famous for his portrayal of John Sheppard. He frequently discusses in interviews how he went from having a vague disinterest in science fiction to growing to appreciate its richness and originality.
Flanigan's change in viewpoint on science fiction can be compared to someone who initially disliked spicy food but eventually came to appreciate it after trying various dishes. At first, he might have thought of science fiction as a niche interest, favoring other genres that provided more familiar or immediate storylines. But Flanigan found himself drawn to science fiction's inventive storytelling and provocative themes as he dug deeper into the genre through his work on "Stargate Atlantis" and other projects.
With every new project, his admiration for the genre grew, much like a gardener who, through daily care, comes to appreciate the complex ecosystem in their garden. Flanigan's changing perspective on science fiction demonstrates how experimenting with something outside of one's comfort zone can result in surprising revelations and a renewed appreciation for it.
His experiences working in the genre allowed him to discover its rich tapestry of ideas and narratives, despite his initial cautious or uninterested stance. This trip shows that in order to fully comprehend and value the subtleties and merits of a field, active engagement and exploration are occasionally required.
In addition to offering insight into his own development as an actor, Flanigan's candor about this change inspires others to question their assumptions and investigate fields they may have previously disregarded.