Most famously, Kyle Gass and Jack Black form the musical comedy duo Tenacious D. Originally pursuing acting, Gass—who was born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah—discovered his true calling in music when he started working with Black on their distinctive brand of rock humor.
The quotation you provided captures a turning point in Gass's professional development. Prior to entering the modern music industry, Gass wanted to pursue a career in acting. He was actively looking for parts and chances in theater and cinema, but he soon discovered that his real gift was writing funny and captivating songs.
Imagine carrying two suitcases through life: one with song lyrics and instruments, and the other with aspirations of becoming a well-known actor. Gass initially carried both bags because he wasn't sure which would help him succeed. But as time went on, he found that the "music" suitcase was lighter and more manageable. It gave him the secret to his distinct artistic voice and made it possible for him to engage audiences on a deeper level.
This change in emphasis meant realizing where genuine passion lay, not completely abandoning acting. Gass discovered a way to fuse his love of comedy and his musical skills by making music his main passion. This resulted in the formation of Tenacious D and their distinctive brand of rock 'n' roll humor.
This quote essentially emphasizes how people can change their careers and occasionally switch from one passion to another. For Gass, it was about realizing that music was his primary platform and not merely a side endeavor.