Quotes Meaning

"I try to turn off the TV and play with my kids as much as I can, and I always hope they’re having as good a time as Mormon kids."

- Robert Lopez

Robert Lopez is well-known for his contributions to music and television. He co-created programs like "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" and penned Grammy Award-winning songs. He discussed parenting and the value of spending quality time with family in an interview.

Lopez frequently discusses his efforts to maximize the time he spends with his kids. He emphasizes the importance of spending time together without distractions like television and believes in striking a balance between work and personal relationships. This strategy embodies a larger idea that many parents can identify with: figuring out how to spend quality time with loved ones and make lasting memories.

When Lopez says that Mormon children are having a "good time," he is alluding to the belief that members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly known as Mormons, have close-knit families and engage in a variety of social activities. Close-knit families, frequent family get-togethers, and youth programs that promote development and connection are all hallmarks of this community.

By making this analogy, Lopez is expressing a wish to imitate what he perceives to be the positive elements of Mormon culture rather than necessarily claiming that his children lack happiness or fulfillment. Lopez is recognizing the allure of the close-knit, encouraging family dynamics that seem so essential to Mormon upbringing. It's similar to when you see a group of friends laughing together and wish you could join them.

This quotation demonstrates Lopez's dedication to providing his kids with a loving and supportive environment. It's similar to sowing seeds in rich soil: children need their parents' time and attention to grow emotionally and cognitively, just as plants need it to grow.

Robert Lopez is essentially offering some advice that many people can relate to: put electronics away, spend time with your children, and work to create a space where everyone feels valued and included.
