Quotes Meaning

"I support progressive revenue sources that ease the burden on low-income and working-class individuals and families who are least able to shoulder the burden of regressive taxes and fees."

- Lori Lightfoot

A well-known politician in the United States, Lori Lightfoot is renowned for her commitment to social justice. She has supported measures that try to lessen financial burdens on those who can least afford them in her capacity as mayor of Chicago.

Imagine living in a city where everyone is carrying a bulky backpack full of obligations and costs. Some people carry light bags with just enough weight to maintain a steady gait without impeding it. Others struggle to move forward due to the burden of everyday expenses like housing, food, and medical care.

Lightfoot's philosophy centers on ensuring that unfair taxes or fees that disproportionately affect low-income individuals and families do not further burden those who already bear heavy burdens. She is an advocate of progressive taxation, which means that a higher percentage of income is paid in taxes by those with higher incomes. The goal of this strategy is to make the tax system more equitable for all.

To put it simply, Lightfoot wants to see a city where no one is subjected to more financial hardship than they can bear. Her goal is for Chicago to be a city where everyone's burden of taxes and living expenses is more fairly balanced, so that those who are already struggling don't have to bear an even greater burden simply because their income is lower.

Because of this viewpoint, she has become an advocate for justice and equity in local government, highlighting the significance of carefully crafting policies that support society's most vulnerable citizens.
