Renowned Finnish diplomat and Nobel Peace Prize winner Martti Ahtisaari told a story that captures his life's journey of perpetual travel and commitment to international causes. He described a time when he was offered a permanent teaching position at the University of Oulu in Finland and had the chance to work for a Swedish institute in Karachi, Pakistan.
In her words, Ahtisaari describes a person who is very interested in global affairs and who is constantly moving, much like a restless bird looking for new branches to perch on. His heart and mind were focused on addressing global issues wherever they emerged, so he decided against settling down anywhere long-term. He held a variety of positions throughout the world as a result of this sense of purpose, including peacekeeping assignments in Namibia and efforts to resolve conflicts in Kosovo.
Ahtisaari made decisions based more on a desire for ongoing involvement with urgent global issues than on comfort or job security. His figurative bird never stays motionless long enough to allow the dust to settle beneath its wings; instead, it is always looking for new places to land and explore. His career as a diplomat committed to global justice and peace has been characterized by this restless spirit.
Through this story, Ahtisaari emphasizes the value of flexibility and responsiveness in the face of global difficulties, stressing that pursuing long-term security or comfort is rarely the path to personal fulfillment but rather helping to advance larger causes.