Best known for playing Don Draper in the popular television show "Mad Men," Jon Hamm frequently offers insights into the working world. He expressed his admiration and respect for those who work on movie sets with hair and costumes in one of his interviews.
In a world where everyone is a butterfly, picture yourself as a caterpillar. While you struggle to get off the ground, you admire their grace and elegance as they fly through the air with ease. Regarding the on-set hair and wardrobe crews, this is somewhat in line with Hamm's viewpoint. Although actors are frequently in the spotlight for their roles, those in charge of hairstyles and costumes are just as important in determining how a character looks and feels.
Jon Hamm became aware of the amount of help and skill required to make every appearance flawless when he was forced to dress himself or style his own hair outside of predetermined parameters. It's similar to being given all the ingredients but not knowing how to prepare them or even where to begin. In addition to knowing historical settings and current fashion trends, the hair and wardrobe departments are also aware of how each look complements an actor's overall persona.
This quotation emphasizes a deeper respect for everyone who toils diligently behind the scenes, frequently invisible to viewers but crucial to producing a full cinematic experience. It acts as a reminder to appreciate and acknowledge the various roles that lead to success in any industry. Every member of a production team contributes in a unique way to making stories come to life on screen, much like each piece of a puzzle is essential to seeing the whole picture.