American stand-up comedian Kurt Braunohler is well-known for his distinct sense of humor and his involvement in numerous comedic endeavors throughout the years. He began working in the entertainment business in 2004 and rose to fame as a cast member of "Portlandia" and as a participant in sketch comedy shows such as "Comedy Bang! Bang!"
Braunohler discussed his thoughts on getting into the podcasting business late in his career in an interview. He clarified that at first, he was hesitant to launch a podcast since it seemed like a novel challenge that he wasn't sure how to handle. But as someone who thinks it's important to share his humorous observations with the world, he soon discovered that podcasts gave him another way to connect with listeners.
According to Braunohler, podcasting is like opening a tiny window in a room full of windows and doors. Every door or window symbolizes a different medium through which comedians can distribute their work: radio interviews, stand-up shows, TV shows, and, more recently, podcasts. He may have taken longer than others to open that specific window, but once he did, he realized how much more intimate connection it could provide.
He underlined that even though new media platforms like podcasts offer a lot of opportunities, it takes constant work to maintain a strong presence in comedy. Comedians need to be prepared to put in a lot of effort and regularly interact with their audience through all the various platforms they select; simply jumping into podcasting or any other type of content creation is insufficient.
This viewpoint demonstrates how Braunohler views his job as involving more than just on-stage acting; it also involves actively participating in discussions about comedy and life via a variety of media platforms. His commitment to sharing humor and original perspectives with those who are interested in hearing them is furthered by podcasting.