The well-known British actor David Thewlis, who played Remus Lupin in the Harry Potter movie series, frequently offers witty and thought-provoking tales about creativity and life. During one of these discussions, he stated that he enjoys doing artistic things besides acting. He compared a room in his home to a massive installation piece, where he can try out various materials and concepts.
Thewlis views his entire living area as a series of canvases that are just waiting to be filled, much like an artist's studio is a blank canvas. Thewlis changes aspects of his house to showcase his artistic side, much like an actor does when he adopts a role. This space is a playground where he can express himself artistically without being limited by conventional mediums, not just a place to work or unwind.
Thewlis emphasizes the fluidity of creativity and how it can permeate every part of life by drawing a comparison between his house and an installation piece. It's akin to stating that every space in your home has the capacity to serve as a platform for creative expression. Every decision you make, whether it's using found objects for décor or unconventional furniture placement, contributes to the narrative about your identity.
Thewlis' belief in the value of creativity as a necessary component of everyday life is reflected in this whimsical approach to living spaces. His casual comment inspires others to view their homes as extensions of who they are, allowing them to freely explore and express their artistic side, rather than just as practical spaces.