American reality TV personality Kim Zolciak-Biermann, who is most recognized for her roles on "The Real Housewives of Atlanta," frequently offers frank details about her hobbies and personal life. Even though there aren't many casinos in Georgia, where she lives, one of her most noteworthy remarks reveals her love of gambling.
As an adult, Zolciak-Biermann has maintained her childhood passion for games of chance. Since there are no casinos in her hometown, she searches for alternative ways to sate her craving. She discovers that the easiest way to gamble in Georgia is to purchase scratch-off lottery tickets. She gets the thrill and excitement that gambling usually brings from this easy pastime.
To better grasp Zolciak-Biermann's sentiment, think about someone who enjoys baking but lives in an area where they are unable to obtain upscale ingredients or specialized equipment. To still enjoy cooking and the joy it brings, they may resort to using whatever basic ingredients are on hand, such as combining pantry staples to make cookies.
Similar to this, she uses her love of gambling to buy scratch-off tickets so she can engage in something she really enjoys, even if it's not exactly what she had hoped for.