Renowned Indian singer and musician Shankar Mahadevan frequently talks passionately about his relationship to the emerging city of Navi Mumbai. Although he was born in Chennai and relocated to Mumbai early in his career, he has grown to have a particular connection with Navi Mumbai.
Near Mumbai, the financial center of India, lies the planned township of Navi Mumbai, which is renowned for its green areas and contemporary infrastructure. Mahadevan says he admires the city's progressive outlook and how it keeps him motivated both personally and creatively. Navi Mumbai provides its citizens with a wealth of opportunities and support networks that foster development and creativity, much like a garden that tends to a variety of plants by giving them sunlight, water, and fertile soil.
Navi Mumbai appeals to Mahadevan because of its distinctive fusion of modern progressivism and traditional values. In addition to being a place where he resides, the area fosters his artistic development and career goals. His pride in belonging to Navi Mumbai is a testament to the city's significance to him, which extends beyond its natural surroundings.
By expressing his feelings, Mahadevan emphasizes how crucial cities like Navi Mumbai are for encouraging their citizens' ambition, creativity, and sense of community. It is a location where people can find inspiration for larger goals as well as personal fulfillment.