Renowned advertising expert Leo Burnett once discussed what he believed to be one of the most significant challenges in producing successful ads. Based on years of experience in the field, his observation brought to light a typical hazard that many professionals encounter when working under pressure from clients or superiors.
Burnett asserts that attempting to anticipate what other people want all the time can inhibit creativity and result in poor quality work. This strategy is similar to chasing a moving target in that it always seems just out of reach no matter how hard you try to hit it. This guesswork frequently leads to diluted ideas that don't adequately convey the essence of the product or brand when making advertisements.
Leo Burnett himself played a significant role in establishing contemporary advertising tactics through his work at the agency he founded, Leo Burnett Worldwide. Instead of just meeting perceived expectations, his philosophy placed an emphasis on storytelling and developing an emotional bond with customers. He supported unrestricted artistic expression and the idea that audiences would be drawn to gripping stories on their own.
Burnett urges others to put originality and authenticity above attempting to guess what might be popular or preferred by those in authority by drawing on personal experience and criticizing a prevalent practice in the advertising industry. This viewpoint, which promotes more authentic and powerful storytelling over formulaic strategies devoid of originality and spontaneity, has had a long-lasting impact on how brands approach marketing campaigns today.