English singer-songwriter Becky Hill, who is renowned for her poignant lyrics and soulful voice, frequently finds inspiration in her own life. Lockdown restrictions in 2020 prevented Becky from seeing her partner while the world struggled with the pandemic. Her feelings of loneliness and desire inspired her to compose the song "Distance."
The emotional toll that physical separation can have on relationships is reflected in the song. Think of a bridge that connects two people who are incredibly in love but are abruptly separated by choppy waters and unable to cross. The bridge symbolizes their shared bond, but due to unanticipated events, it is currently inaccessible. Without specifically mentioning the song's lyrics, this metaphor effectively conveys the spirit of Becky's composition.
Because love and longing are common themes in Becky's music, a broad audience can relate to her. Her capacity to express nuanced feelings in straightforward yet impactful language has struck a chord with listeners who have encountered comparable difficulties in trying times. By telling her own story in "Distance," Becky not only communicates her emotions but also provides consolation to those who are experiencing similar things.
Among the many changes brought about by the pandemic were new obstacles to interpersonal relationships. Becky's song urges listeners to treasure the times when they can be together again and serves as a reminder of the value of preserving relationships in spite of physical distance.