In response to the continuous difficulties Europe faces with migration, Giuseppe Conte, the former prime minister of Italy and current president of the European Council, made this declaration. His remark emphasizes the necessity of managing migration in all EU member states in a more equitable manner.
Consider a group of friends organizing a picnic. One friend lives close to a well-known beach, but she doesn't have the resources or space to accommodate everyone. This friend recommends that other friends share duties, such as arranging activities or supplying food, rather than taking full responsibility for hosting the event. Conte makes a similar recommendation, urging European nations to cooperate in order to better manage migration rather than having a small number of countries bear the majority of the burden.
Italy, which has long been one of the main entry points for migrants into Europe, frequently has to deal directly with the flood of refugees and asylum seekers. Italy's infrastructure and resources are under a lot of strain because of this circumstance. Conte advocates for a cohesive European approach that guarantees all nations participate in the equitable handling of migration matters.
Conte aims to promote collaboration among EU member states by promoting a "truly European" approach to migration management. According to him, overcoming the difficulties brought on by migration calls for cooperation, shared accountability, and support from one another. This vision emphasizes the value of cooperation in addressing complicated issues like population movement and is consistent with the EU's larger objectives of solidarity and unity.